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Booking Concierge

Two ways to book, unlimited options.

Speak With Our Booking Concierge

Our team of trip planners know our services as well as they know the mountains. Give them a call and start planning your trip.

North America 1.800.661.9170 International +1.250.673.8381

Submit Your Information Online

Our online form lets you tell us about yourself and share your idea of what an ideal week looks like.

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General Inquiry

Discounts & Perks Ikon Pass

Ikon Pass is your ticket to access the most iconic mountains in the world. Not only can you explore 60+ destinations, but it comes with added benefits, including some at Mike Wiegele Helicopter Skiing.

Best Day
Of Your Life
Happy Family

Unlock up to $2,000 off your Heli-Skiing Adventure

Use your Ikon Pass when booking a trip during the 2025/26 season and receive up to $2,000 CAD in credits to spend towards your trip or in-lodge purchases such as retail, bar, massage, or single room upgrades.

Existing MWHS guests

Ikon Pass holders who are existing Mike Wiegele Helicopter Skiing customers can unlock Heli Credits on any packages between March 28 to April 4, 2026.

New MWHs Guests

Ikon Pass holders who are new Mike Wiegele Helicopter Skiing customers can unlock Heli Credits on select packages between December 6, 2025 to January 17, 2026 and March 28 to April 4, 2026.

  • Ikon Pass holders receive $400 CAD/day in credits (up to a maximum of $2,000 CAD per pass holder)
  • Ikon Base Pass holders receive $200 CAD/day in credits (up to a maximum of $1,000 CAD per pass holder).

Explore Wiegele world 

How to book 

Call or email our reservations team to book your trip today! 
You’ll be asked to provide proof of your 24/25 Ikon Pass when finalizing your booking. 


Inquire now


As a result of booking, you will receive Heli Credits each day of your trip. Heli Credits may only be earned on 1 trip booking per Ikon Pass holder. Heli Credits will be issued upon full payment of the Ikon Pass and may be applied towards either the trip value or towards any in-lodge purchases (retail, bar, massage, single room upgrade). Heli Credits cannot be used towards Special Transportation services. Heli Credits expire on April 4, 2026. Heli Credits may not be redeemed for cash and are non-refundable and non-transferable. Heli Credits may not be retroactively applied to existing bookings and may not be used in conjunction with other discounts, credits, promotional offers or referral programs. This offer is not applicable to non-skier spaces.

Mike Wiegele Helicopter Skiing standard Terms of Booking, Cancellation Policy and Payment Policy apply.

Alpine Skier