January 04, 2012 A Guide’s Take on Fun & Safe Tree Skiing

'Tis the season for amazing tree skiing in the Blue… anybody that has been here in December and January can attest to how fantastic it truly is.
So what is it, you ask, that makes it so? Well, I sat down with Lead Guide Bob Sayer and asked his take on the matter. Here is what he had to say:
"It snows in Blue River. A lot! That means we often ski in the trees. First time heliskiers are often apprehensive about tree skiing while long time skiers look forward to it. Why is that?
Well, first off, the best snow is almost always in the trees. The wind and sun don’t get at it so it is deeper and lighter in the trees. Also, the trees give better definition to the visibility so you can see the dips and hollows better than in the open when the light is flat.
People worry about hitting trees but that is seldom a problem. Unlike most other places you may have skied trees, the trees in the Cariboos and Monashees are widely spaced and the branches are covered in a thick layer of snow. The powder slows you down naturally so all you need to do is steer your feet to the open spaces between the trees.
When we ski in the trees we pair up with another skier and ski together. This way if one skier falls, loses a ski or gets stuck in a tree well, their partner is there to help them.
Skiing in the trees is my favourite. A day on Freefall, Screwball and Lempiere Run is as good a day as I can imagine".
For more tips on the art of tree skiing, check out more Powder Tips & Techniques by Lead Guide Tim McLean.